versions: 1st numeric part = milestone releases; 2nd = major changes, mostly affecting results; 3rd = minor changes1.99.8 | 19.09.22
New capture deduplication mode for R and SV (QC and VAR keep the genome-alignment-based one).
Fixes for iNext v3 (diversities).
1.99.7 | 31.08.22
Docker dependencies.
1.99.6 | 29.08.22
cfDNA pipeline scenario (ARResT.cfDNA - see 'cfDNA-Based NGS IG Analysis in Lymphoma' by C Pott et al, Immunogenetics 2022) enabled for ARResT-group users.
Fixes and improvements.
1.99.5 | 12.07.22
Oncoplot: enabled table filter to affect plot, full sample list always shown, Rs filter optional and corrected.
1.99.4 | 08.07.22
Fixed bug in setting VAF thresholds in mutants module, plus minor improvements.
Oncoplot panel.
1.99.3 | 01.07.22
Fixes and improvements.
1.99.2 | 22.06.22
Fixes and improvements.
1.99.1 | 22.06.22
Traced clone selection error fixed.
1.99.0 | 02.05.22
Improvements and fixes in 'middle' D gene identification.
1.98.3 | 29.04.22
Fix for access to scenario primers and tracers, has been affecting non-EC-NGS accounts trying to use EC-NGS/EuroMRD scenarios.
Fixes and improvements.
1.98.2 | 27.03.22
Forensics table fix.
WholeMark fixes.
1.98.1 | 01.03.22
Trial integration.
WholeMark user mode improvements.
1.98.0 | 28.02.22
Improvements and fixes in 'middle' D gene identification (with more to come, incl. for IGH VDDJ and DDJ).
1.97.1 | 03.02.22
Fixes and improvements.
1.97.0 | 13.01.22
VJ:Va-Jd is now VJ:Va-(Dd)-Jd.
Fixes and improvements.
1.96.5 | 07.12.21
Trial integration and cleanup.
Marksman reactivity.
1.96.4 | 02.12.21
Marksman loading.
Marksman - Cell view reactivity.
1.96.3 | 01.12.21
TRIAL fixes.
Minor fixes and improvements.
1.96.2 | 28.11.21
Browser loading speed-up.
Marksman panel available for testing.
TRIAL-only WMD mode.
Minor fixes and improvements.
1.96.1 | 05.11.21
Minor fixes and improvements.
1.96.0 | 28.10.21
Gene functionality is now taken into account towards productivity.
Spike-in sweeping and pre-sweeped spike-in and artefacts update; better and safer capture contig assembly; TRIAL integration; 'gather' upgrade; fixes (incl. a crashing bug in the browser) and improvements.
1.93.000 | 08.09.21
Further optimisation, routine parallelisation, capture mode update, improvements and fixes.
1.92.000 | 17.08.21
More improvements/fixes/optimisations/clean-up for big data and generally.
1.91.001 | 09.08.21
Big data mode improvements and fixes.
1.91.000 | 03.08.21
Updated tracers, routine script parallelisation and usability, improvements and fixes.
Browser user modes and functionalities for capture mode, minor improvements and fixes.
1.90.008 | 20.06.21
Capture mode and routine script work, WMD queuing, Roundup fix, TRIAL development, other minor improvements and fixes.
1.90.007 | 07.06.21
Capture mode and routine script work, WMD legacy fix, TRIAL development, other minor improvements and fixes.
1.90.006 | 26.05.21
Capture mode and routine script work, WMD reporting fix, other minor improvements and fixes.
1.90.005 | 19.05.21
Improvements and fixes, for setting WMD cores and in capture-mode scenarios and inputs.
1.90.004 | 17.05.21
Capture mode, incl.: better choice of sequences for rearrangement contig assembly + enabled artefact filtering, VEP update, translocation clonotypes, etc.
Improvements and fixes.
1.90.003 | 13.05.21
NOTICE - pre-v2 release: this version already has code, soon to be enabled as v2, that will affect junction aa sequences and clonotypes (for the better), see next points for some pointers - you can already ask us to enable it for you via pipeline scenarios.
pre-v2 - junction nt sequence clustering is now more adapted to junction structure and even different receptors, being more specific and sensitive at the same time
pre-v2 - junction aa sequences will now be virtually-in-frame (with #s) even if 2nd anchor is missing
pre-v2 - in clonotypes, multiple equal 5' gene assignments will now be converted to '~[gene group]' if >=3 (before it was >=4)
Memory optimisations, should be able to handle more millions of reads more easily (but will still be relatively slow).
Numerous improvements and fixes.
1.23.000 | 10.02.21
-- internal release --
1.22.000 | 22.10.20
-- internal release --
1.21.340 | 30.07.20
Accommodating PacBio base quality values.
Improved sample filename handling (but for now avoid having FASTQ and FASTA with exactly the same name prefix if you don't specifically choose one to run).
Improved primer files handling.
1.21.339 | 21.07.20
Improvements and fixes, in pipeline reporting, and in EC-NGS primer set auto-detection (see 1.21.338) resulting in benign primer ALARMs not being silenced for IGH-VJ-FR1.
1.21.338 | 13.07.20
Improvements and fixes, incl. in EC-NGS primer set auto-detection (see 1.21.335).
1.21.337 | 01.07.20
Benign 'run name'-based bug fixed.
1.21.335 | 30.06.20
We now allow hyphens in EC-NGS primer set auto-detection - in general, use these primer set names bookended by _ (or - or nothing at either end): IGH-VJ, IGH-VJ-FR[123], IGH-DJ, IGK-VJ-Kde, intron-Kde, IGK, TRB-VJ, TRB-DJ, TRG, TRD
1.21.334 | 24.06.20
Run report fixes for capture mode.
1.21.333 | 03.06.20
Improvements and fixes.
1.21.313 | 28.05.20
Capture mode improvements and fixes, incl. a broken line affecting the 'mutants' module.
1.21.300 | 26.05.20
New 'HQ' panel.
Special capture mode speedup.
Improvements and fixes.
1.21.257 | 07.05.20
Improvements and fixes.
1.21.253 | 23.04.20
Improvements and fixes.
1.21.252 | 20.04.20
Improvements and fixes.
1.21.250 | 14.04.20
Improvements and fixes.
1.21.204 | 02.04.20
EuroClonality-NGS-specific work.
Improvements and fixes.
1.21.166 | 25.03.20
More work on artefacts, including automatic mode and pre-filtering.
Improvements and fixes.
1.21.100 | 23.03.20
Introduced 'artefacts', problematic but junction-like sequences provided by the user and identified, excluded and reported by the pipeline.
Improvements and fixes.
1.21.000 | 03.03.20
Major version bump since clonotyping MIGHT result in different results due to junctioning changes since 1.20.500
Fixed issue, since 1.20.600, with virtual in-frame in special cases, i.e. when #s were initially placed inside D segment if P3nt>0 and N2nt=0 (=rare).
Improvements and fixes.
1.20.699 | 11.02.20
Improvements and fixes.
1.20.622 | 22.01.20
Improvements and fixes.
1.20.620 | 20.01.20
Improvements and fixes.
1.20.600 | 13.01.20
Changed capitalisation of segmented junction sequences, i.e. 5' and 3' segments are now lowercase like a D segment was, which improves consistency (i.e. all germline segments are now lowercase) - N regions are still uppercase. Note that unsegmented junctions within full sequences are still all uppercase.
EuroClonality-NGS-specific work.
1.20.520 | 07.01.20
Many additions, improvements (incl. speedup) and fixes.
1.20.500 | 18.12.19
Pipeline: D gene junction segmentation now provided by default inside junction nt sequence.
Pipeline: more efficient clonotype clustering.
Pipeline: clearer log output for 'no primer, no use' / 'no-primer' junctions.
Pipeline: test for unsafe filename characters.
EuroClonality-NGS-specific work.
1.20.422 | 22.11.19
Added 'popjuclass' to capture clonotype definition.
Improvements and fixes.
1.20.400 | 18.11.19
Pipeline: improved reporting on primers, postmortem, capture.
1.20.313 | 13.11.19
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.20.311 | 01.11.19
EuroClonality-NGS-specific work.
Pipeline: primers are now never trimmed from primerdimers to keep them informative.
1.20.300 | 15.10.19
EuroClonality-NGS-specific work.
1.20.253 | 19.09.19
EuroClonality-NGS-special user mode improvements and bug fixes.
1.20.250 | 03.09.19
EuroClonality-NGS-specific work.
Update for IMGT/V-QUEST 3.5.8.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.20.222 | 26.08.19
Browser: completely removing pre-set primers and/or tracers from pipeline scenarios would not really work.
Lots of EuroClonality-NGS-specific work, incl. on clonality reporting.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.20.202 | 09.08.19
Pipeline: fixed the cursed per-primer set QC, again (issue in primer sets metadata, and number reporting).
Pipeline: better handling of primer/tracer sequence files prepared in Windows.
1.20.200 | 08.08.19
Pipeline: if EuroClonality-NGS primers are used but sample is not assigned to a single primer set, we consider it 'pooled', which activates per-primer set QC. Assign a primer set through the filename by enclosing the primer set in underscores, e.g. mysample-1_IGH-VJ-FR1_S99, or through a samplesheet and a 'primer set' column.
Pipeline: fixed rare sample skipping during results gathering.
Work on EuroClonality-NGS-specific code.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.20.100 | 25.07.19
Pipeline: per-primer set QC info for pooled samples was still not OK, now OK.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.20.000 | 22.07.19
Browser: new reporting panel for EC-NGS clonality user mode.
Pipeline: increased distance between primers to call a primerdimer, now 18nt.
Pipeline: per-primer set QC info for pooled samples introduced in previous major update was inadvertently disabled, now OK.
Pipeline: fixed bug in run reports that would skip some per-feature-type stats, e.g. DJ:Dh-Jh stats.
Pipeline: fixed bug (introduced in 1.19 and only seen in one public run) affecting the gathering of pipeline result parts.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.19.000 | 24.06.19
Pipeline: improved logic for highly trimmed IGH incomplete rearrangements i.e. still safe while more sensitive.
Pipeline: per-primer set QC info for pooled samples.
Pipeline: more info on spike-ins in run and sample reports.
Browser: improved tooltips and popups.
Opened up 'EC-NGS' (EuroClonality-NGS) user modes (top-left corner) for more users, for processing data from EuroClonality-NGS SOPs for marker identification and clonality assessment (
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.18.500 | 30.05.19
Pipeline: update for IMGT/V-QUEST 3.5.0 and its new API.
1.18.400 | 10.04.19
Pipeline: FASTQ filtering now keeps zero-length reads to not break paired-end files.
Browser: fix in V-QUEST test output formatting.
1.18.300 | 31.03.19
Pipeline: improved stability.
1.18.100 | 25.02.19
Pipeline: new feline germlines from our collaborator Stefan Keller.
1.18.003 | 12.02.19
Pipeline: improved handling of missing/wrong primers, also in relation to downstream analysis.
Pipeline: improved handling of .set primer files.
1.18.002 | 12.02.19
QC finetuning.
1.18.001 | 06.02.19
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.18.000 | 03.02.19
Major speedup in tracing, and finetuning of tracing parameters.
Multiple improvements and fixes, but mostly on internal functionalities not yet widely available (e.g. capture data).
1.17.800 | 09.01.19
-- internal release --
1.17.700 | 07.01.19
-- internal release --
1.17.500 | 20.12.18
-- internal release --
1.17.000 | 09.12.18
Pipeline: improved calling of rearrangements highly trimmed in both 5' and 3'.
Pipeline: fixed the lack of junction segmentation is rare cases (junction and clonotype were still reported).
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.16.500 | 03.12.18
Pipeline/Browser.forensics: absent NDN region would show as '0' in forensics analysis.
Pipeline: "spikesQC": 'loosened' code for ">=1 spike w 0rds" (now checked for top-tier spike-ins only) and "norm factor >1" (disabled) - will finetune further in the near future.
Pipeline: improvements and fixes in 'trace evidence'.
Tweaks in email reports, also related to the existence of 'previous', 'stable', 'latest' version of Interrogate.
1.15.000 | 15.11.18
-- 15.11.18 --
Pipeline: segmentation stats were missing the zero for deletions.
Email report now includes app version (previous/stable/latest).
Browser.processing: fix for user-created scenarios.
Minor improvements and fixes.
-- 13.11.18 --
Pipeline: segmentation stats now always have zero, with '-' prefix for deletions.
Pipeline: removed shorthand productivity tag from default clonotype definition.
Browser.processing: user-created scenarios renabled and editable.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.14.000 | 07.11.18
Pipeline: identification of one additional D in more (esp. incomplete) junction classes.
Browser.questions: minitable now has more info on its header, mainly sum of abundances, but also unique counts and rearrangement types when clonotypes are selected. major redesign / simplification of the UI, improvements and fixes, with more to come.
Browser.forensics.tests: enabled ARResT/AssignSubsets (only relevant for CLL), improvements and fixes, incl. better handling of more sequences than we allow for some tests.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.13.200 | 16.10.18
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.13.100 | 01.10.18
Pipeline: work on capture and routine modes.
1.13.000 | 22.09.18
Pipeline: improved capture mode, incl. slight improvement in junctioning sensitivity.
Browser.user modes: work on using metadata as feature types.
1.12.000 | 14.09.18
Pipeline: improved capture mode.
Browser.forensics: 'network' alignments re-enabled, other improvements.
Pipeline: improved primer trimming and paired-end joining, esp. for amplicons fully contained in paired-end reads.
Browser.forensics: DNJ-stem fix, was presenting more DN sequence than planned - DNJ-stems in 'questions' were OK.
Added 'amplicon length' as a feature type when primers are used.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.07.900 | 30.07.18
Browser.processing: fixed bug crashing pipeline scenarios with primers.
1.07.800 | 25.07.18
Browser.questions: improved reporting of problematic adding/updating of metadata.
1.07.700 | 03.07.18
Browser: uploading of samples with spaces in filename fixed.
Browser: ordering of "clicked minitable" unified with tables in 'forensics' panel.
1.07.600 | 05.06.18
Pipeline: better handling of gzipped files without .gz extension.
Pipeline: better handling of samplesheet filenames.
Browser: minitable abundance column now responds to options like absolute/relative.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.07.500 | 29.05.18
Pipeline: more robust temporary file handling to avoid 'collisions'.
Pipeline: finetuning the EuroClonality-NGS primer extension list for relevant scenarios, results might change, esp. for 'noisy' data.
Browser: 'junction nt length' in bar plots now also numerically sorted and 0-count lengths filled-in by default, just like 'junction aa length'.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.07.000 | 27.05.18
Pipeline: reject noisy J 5' alignments.
Pipeline: slightly more sensitive D alignment.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.06.000 | 23.05.18
Pipeline: ability to reattach a trimmed 3' primer if it's needed for annotation and junctioning = no need to keep all 3' primers on by default = alleviate effect of mis/priming on annotation.
Pipeline: IMGT orphons are now excluded, as per IMGT/V-QUEST default.
Pipeline: further optimisations towards speed and memory efficiency.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.05.100 | 21.05.18
Browser: the 'minitable' is now ordered with 1st clicked on top, and the order is preserved into 'forensics' - it also includes a clicked counter to assist with tracking.
1.05.000 | 16.05.18
Pipeline: RSS-based protection against unrearranged J segments taking over the actually rearranged J - mostly relevant for capture data.
Pipeline: fatally-3'-trimmed rearrangements, on which we artificially append Ns at the end, now only have one such N (vs as many as probably missing according to coordinates) = less Xs in junctions, more (naturally) out-of-frame junctions, overall cleaner and more homogenious results.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.04.100 | 14.05.18
Pipeline: actively handling non-unique read labels (we were exiting before) - still not healthy, so still an ALARM.
Pipeline: when *all* samples have failed, we were still trying to 'gather evidence', now fixed.
Browser: even better handling of samplesheets (e.g. when rows have metadata but no sample name) - still WIP.
Browser: minor bug fixes in 'file' (column sorting in run report) and 'questions' (zeros when transposed) tables.
1.04.000 | 11.05.18
Pipeline: improvements and fixes for chimeric alignments and DNJ-stems, even better false positive filtering.
Browser: better handling of samplesheets (e.g. when rows have metadata but no sample name).
Browser.questions: silly code update error on Tuesday evening, causing some plots to be disabled until Wednesday evening (the default tab, 'table', was OK).
1.02.000 | 09.05.18
Pipeline: explicitly filtering out clearly false positive junctions (special cases).
Browser.forensics: further improved ARResT/Interrogate output, incl. separate clonotype-based and D-based segmentations and better tooltips.
1.01.100 | 08.05.18
Pipeline: major speedup, up to 33% faster for big data, with more to come.
Browser.forensics: improved ARResT/Interrogate output, with more compact with tooltips and colours.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.01.000 | 07.05.18
Pipeline: major speedup, up to 33% faster for big data, with more to come.
Pipeline: further work on D-REGION annotation of complete rearrangements, including deletions and segmentation representation - available in 'forensics', WIP.
Minor improvements and fixes.
1.00.000 | 30.04.18
.xlsx files can now be used across Interrogate, plus many improvements and bug fixes in their use (but also WIP).
Browser.forensics: more tests, incl. for clonal evolution.
Pipeline: less/smarter ALARMs.
Pipeline: work on D-REGION annotation of complete rearrangements, including deletions and segmentation representation - available in 'forensics', WIP.
Pipeline: improvement in annotation of D-based incomplete rearrangements, with more weight on D-REGION vs UTR/RSS, which e.g. better avoids 'noise' from mispriming.
Pipeline: more natural gene and allele sorting.
Pipeline: IMGT germlines update from 201728-2 to 201814-3.
Minor improvements and fixes.
0.30.400 | 18.04.18
EuroClonality-NGS work, esp. quality control.
Minor improvements and fixes.
0.30.300 | 08.04.18
EuroClonality-NGS work, esp. marker screening - expect/look for changes in user modes, scenarios, primer sets, underlying calculations.
Browser.file: made sample name matching more flexible for updating metadata, i.e./e.g. incoming sample names can be shorter than existing.
Minor improvements and fixes.
0.30.200 | 26.03.18
Minor improvements and fixes.
0.30.100 | 21.03.18
Browser: default analysis pre-selected in 'processing', you can now directly upload samples.
Browser: user interface tweaks.
Pipeline: fixed sample sorting in results.
Implementation improvements for sample DNA copies and spike-ins.
Minor improvements and fixes.
0.30.000 | 27.02.18
Browser: major simplification of the user interface, and numerous improvements and fixes.
Browser: revived/improved user messaging, the black bar under the panels, providing info and advice based on user actions.
Browser.questions: clonotypes are now the default feature type.
Browser.questions: feature-sample heatmap now resembles the main table by default (both can be transposed).
Browser.file: Interrogate results filesizes now available in the drop-down list.
Browser.file: you can update the results list with a button next to the drop-down.
Browser.forensics: 'tests' has been updated, and now includes ARResT/Interrogate itself (i.e. the pipeline), and ARResT/AssignSubsets for the major stereotyped subsets in CLL.
Pipeline: gene functionality, according to IMGT, is now used to choose from multiple options, e.g. prioritise F over ()/[]/P/ORFs.
Pipeline: improvements in logs and reports.
Pipeline: improvements in primer and primerdimer detection and analysis.
Pipeline: improvements in rearrangement segmentation analysis, esp. with indels, and for DJ incomplete.
More diversity calculations in the run report, based on all clonotypes - use with care though, e.g. when comparing between samples esp. of differing depth.
0.29.000 | 18.01.18
-- internal release, see newer version --
0.28.000 | 08.01.18
-- internal release, see newer version --
0.27.000 | 29.12.17
-- internal release, see newer version --
0.26.001 | 06.12.17
Browser: sorting features in heatmap like in barplot.
Browser: spike-in normalisation disabled, when no cell number info.
Browser: top N features filtering fixed.
Browser: demo file fixed.
0.26.000 | 01.12.17
Pipeline: publicly introduced the term 'usable', for reads that will be used for relative abundances - this is a layer above 'with junction', e.g. spike-ins are with junction but are excluded from abundance calculations.
Pipeline: mitigated the effect of mis-priming on (mainly) 'DJ:Dh-Jh' rearrangements - more homogenised annotations.
Pipeline: using 5' gene groups in clonotypes instead of >=3 (optional and user-settable) multi-gene '=' assignments, e.g. 'VJ:Vh-(Dh)-Jh V3-11=V3-21=V3-48=V3-69-1=V3-7 1/26/2 J4 CARVSIQDDSSRYFDYW pro' to 'VJ:Vh-(Dh)-Jh ~V3 1/26/2 J4 CARVSIQDDSSRYFDYW pro' - note the "~".
Minor improvements and fixes.
0.25.001 | 29.10.17
Browser: hiding of scrollbars in table's fixed columns in Chrome and IE 10+.
Browser.UI: improvements and minor bug fixes.
Browser: improvements & fixes for CLLpedia user mode.
0.25.000 | 19.10.17
Browser: hiding of inside-cell scrollbars in 'table' in Chrome and IE 10+.
Extra info printed in run report, incl. numbers of unique sequences and clonotypes, and clonotypes per junction class.
Pipeline: increased 'sensitivity' in trying to correct junction gene offsets and deletions, i.e. applying to sequences of lower abundance - more homogenised results.
Pipeline: primer info is now used to dereplicate single-end reads, i.e. IonTorrent - lighter, faster, better.
Pipeline: fixed annotation issues with reverse orientation sequences, i.e. IonTorrent.
0.24.100 | 17.10.17
Browser: fixes and major speedups in sequence retrieval, esp. for popular features.
Browser: fixed heatmap .html downloading.
Pipeline: improvements and tweaks in trace_evidence with anno-tracing (WIP).
Browser: overview tab stability and speed improvements.
Browser: bar plot optimizations.
0.24.001 | 27.09.17
Browser: stability improvements.
Browser: minor fixes of reordering and renaming samples.
0.24.000 | 25.09.17
Browser: the update to R 3.4+ caused some speed and stability issues, which should be resolved now - please provide feedback if you face trouble.
Browser: upload size limit, which might have affected some users/analyses, increased to 100GB per upload 'event' - tip: if files get corrupted, try re-uploading them.
Browser: normalised sample diversity is now used.
Browser: functionalities for junction class sets (mainly used for filtering and abundance normalisation) improved.
Browser.forensics: revived sequence analysis button in network tab.
Browser.statistics: improved, incl. printing diversity numbers instead of only plotting them.
Browser.questions: fixed ordering of samples from the samples selecting widget.
Browser.questions: "rename samples to" was hiding data in visualisations.
Browser.questions: the "most abundant features {A} to plot" was misbehaving for >50 features to plot, i.e. working in reverse.
Browser.processing: updated scenario options and descriptions.
Browser.processing: the run output is now more complete, and sticks around until next run.
Pipeline: better output from WMD.
Pipeline: more sensitive primer trimming.
Pipeline: during dereplication, the most popular primer tags are now selected per uniread (TIP: extend with primers if you need more more high-res primer counts).
Pipeline: order of magnitude speedup of sequence storage.
Pipeline: non-segmentable junctions in clonotypes are now indicated with "\\" instead of with "x/x/x".
Pipeline: FASTA files are now used better, e.g. with primers.
Pipeline: quality trimming on both 5' and 3' if no primers used - USE PRIMERS!
Pipeline: improved file/name handling.
Pipeline: impoved ALARM messages and hints n' tips.
Pipeline: detected primerdimers are now not even tried for junctions - cleaner, faster.
Pipeline: calculating and reporting abundance of most pop clonotype, and normalised sample diversity.
Pipeline: option to trim final annotated sequence in different ways (leave as is, annotated only, etc).
Pipeline: development work on the capture and break_in (=translocations) modules.
Pipeline: (ongoing) development work on fast-tracing and auto-tracing (incl. the ability to normalise per junction class sets).
Improvements and bug fixes all around.
0.23.101 | 01.08.17
Pipeline: improved 'low priming due to long amplicons' ALARM.
Pipeline: improved code checks to avoid STDERRs in junctioning.
0.23.100 | 31.07.17
Browser.questions/forensics: retrieving sequences for clicked samples/features improved (now always based on both feature types).
0.23.000 | 28.07.17
Browser.UI: improvements and minor bug fixes (e.g. 'file': upload of metadata re-ordered samples but not the metadata themselves).
Pipeline: improved sensitivity for D-based incomplete rearrangements.
Pipeline: major memory and speed optimisations.
Pipeline: updated trace and fast_trace code and functionalities, incl. new fast_trace options and values.
Pipeline: fixed a bug when re-trying to annotate 3' ends, which if applicable resulted in decreased junctioning.
Pipeline: nt junction clustering (also used for defining clonotypes) would sometimes assign very-low-abundant junctions to confusing, but not really incorrect, clusters - now this is is more robust, and might become even more flexible in the future.
Pipeline: facility to trim on quality, esp. if no primers were used - still under development though.
Pipeline: more informative messaging in case of trouble.
Pipeline: better reporting, e.g. redundant/out-of-context ALARMs.
Pipeline: other improvements and minor bug fixes.
0.22.100 | 15.06.17
Browser.visualisations: fixed "most abundant features to plot" widget, which had a reversed logic for a little while.
Browser.questions: abundance filtering after sample subtraction now based on complete data, instead of only subtracted sample.
Browser.questions: fixes and improvements for sample subtraction (available in advanced user mode).
Browser.questions: minor vis improvements (e.g. tooltips) for sample subtraction.
Pipeline: incomplete junctions: junction classes DD:Db-Db, DD:Dd3-Dd2, DJ:Dd3-Jd, VD:Vb-Db, VD:Va-Dd3, VD:Vd-Dd2 are now considered known (from capture data, to be monitored), i.e. we have removed their 'unk' tag (i.e. we were still reporting them previously, but e.g. like this: "unkDD:Db-Db").
Pipeline: incomplete junctions: improvement in D annotation (in DD and DJ junction classes).
Pipeline: improvements in the capture module.
0.19.501 | 05.02.17
Pipeline: 'rearrangement' of code to handle big data - TBC.
Pipeline: IMGT/V-QUEST reference directory release: 201649-4 (8 December 2016).
Browser: improved messages.
This changelog: now showing the date the log was written.
0.19.001 | 30.01.17
Browser.processing: tooltip for paired-end reads FASTQ files uploading.
Browser: minor over-all improvements.
Pipeline: safer paired-end reads processing.
0.19.000 | 01.12.16
Browser: 'user mode' widget moved to the left (i.e. is part of the page header now).
Browser: compatibility with new version of 'data.table' (1.9.8) R-package.
Browser.processing: new text-input widget for text to use tracer sequences just by copy-pasting them (in FASTA format).
Browser.forensics: minor bug fixes and improvements.
Browser.questions: 'functionality' now available as a filter and feature type, 'functionality comment' as a feature type.
Browser.questions: virtual in-frame gaps can now be removed from 'junction nt sequence', also affecting 'junction nt length'.
Pipeline: safer choice of 3' gene.
Pipeline: IGKJ2's 2nd anchor was offset by 1nt, causing virtual in-frame gaps in some cases.
Pipeline: IMGT compatibility: identical distal sequences are now used like any other.
Pipeline: IMGT compatibility: gene and allele name ordering to match IMGT's.
Pipeline: IMGT compatibility: now taking P nt into account for virtual in-frame gaps.
0.17.000 | 08.10.16
*: 'target' to 'tracer' (for rearrangement of interest) across the platform.
Browser.forensics.lineup: better (incl. showing more informative alignments), faster.
Browser.forensics: UI clean-up for simple user mode.
Browser: minor bug fixes and improvements across all panels.
Pipeline: implemented 'no primer, no junction' logic - tbd.
Pipeline: now ignoring D alignment with both 5' and 3' heptamers.
Pipeline: minor bug fixes (better handling of extreme cases).
Pipeline: further improvements of the capture module.
0.16.002 | 02.10.16 major interface re-design, and quick-guide update - more to come soon.
Pipeline: improved ALARM hints and tips.
0.16.001 | 29.09.16
Browser: small fix on 'details' table rendering.
Browser: new 'remove # from nt junctions' checkbox in 'questions' panel in 'advanced' user mode. clone color legend included in the table even for 'other tracers'.
Pipeline: better handling of failed samples with no .clntab files.
0.16.000 | 26.09.16
Browser: small fix on 'table' tooltips.
Browser: cleaner nomenclature around targets (now 'tracers'). lineup row select fix. pop-up window with tips & notes. fixed differences in alignment between lineup and 'clicked info box'.
Pipeline: minor improvements all around, incl. in logging/reporting and workflow.
Pipeline: further major improvements of the capture module, esp. on reducing false positives - tbc.
0.15.001 | 20.09.16
Pipeline: more flexible handling of gzipped FASTQs.
Browser: small fix on 'table' tooltips.
0.15.000 | 19.09.16
Pipeline: handling NextSeq per-lane FASTQs.
Pipeline: improved capture module, incl. bloom pre-filtering for speed.
0.14.001 | 16.09.16 major improvements in usability, more info on selected nodes, comparison mode.
Browser.questions: reminder note to switch to 'advanced' user mode for more widgets.
Browser: multiple bug and crash fixes.
Pipeline: HTML email with smaller fixed-width font.
Pipeline: check for FASTQs with wrong number of lines.
0.14.000 | 07.09.16
From now on we'll try and keep this changelog accurately up-to-date.
Major changes in the browser included the re-implementation of "user modes", multiple updates of the 'forensics' panel, improvements and bug fixes in 'questions', and introduction of new and improvement of old functionalities in 'file' and 'processing'.
Over the past few updates, major pipeline (WMD) changes included work on primer annotation in special cases, controlling oversensitivity of junction finding, and tracing targets - the effect on results for our test sets was essentially zero.
Started this changelog. Versions: 1st numeric part = milestone releases; 2nd = major changes, mostly affecting results; 3rd = minor changes.
   main coders Tomas Reigl   @ CEITEC MU, Brno Karol Pal   @ CEITEC MU, Brno Jakub Porc   @ CEITEC MU, Brno Jan Kaessens   @ UKSH, Kiel Nikos Darzentas   @ UKSH, Kiel & CEITEC MU, Brno
   developers Michaela Kotrová   @ UKSH, Kiel Franziska Appelt   @ UKSH, Kiel Karla Plevová   @ CEITEC MU, Brno Kamila Stránská   @ CEITEC MU, Brno
   alumni coders and developers Vojta Bystry   @ CEITEC MU, Brno Adam Krejci   @ CEITEC MU, Brno Alexandra Botnariuc   @ UKSH, Kiel Nina Hostakova   @ CEITEC MU, Brno Andrea Grioni   @ CEITEC MU, Brno Barbora Hanakova   @ CEITEC MU, Brno Martin Demko   @ CEITEC MU, Brno
   acknowledging all underlying work, feedback, support, and advice from EuroClonality-NGS
   we use the excellent compute and data infrastructure of the MetaCentrum - Virtual Organization of CESNET
   supported by Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, grant nr. 16-34272A, all rights reserved
  initialising... (and best viewed with Google's Chrome)
TIP: click on sample to select it for run, all samples are selected otherwise ; TIP: check uploaded files in 'user files' tab; TIP: switch to 'advanced' user mode to use samplesheet
green : OK, orange : R1/R2 missing
TIP: click on sample to select it for run, all samples are selected otherwise; TIP: check uploaded files in 'user files' tab
green : OK, orange : R1/R2 missing, red : sample in samplesheet but no files uploaded, grey : files uploaded but sample not in samplesheet
use this to manage user files (data and results) stored on the server
use this to directly select ARResT results stored on the server - need to log in for user-specific storage
use this to directly select ARResT capture-mode results stored on the server - need to log in for user-specific storage
use this to upload results created by (.intrg) or saved through (.Rbin) ARResT
use this to upload one or more IMGT/HighV-QUEST summary files, which will be processed by us to make them compatible with ARResT/Interrogate
use this to upload any tab-delimited table with any number of columns but at least two on top of the required 'sample' and 'size' columns
- see example
not all functionalities may be available in all 'user modes' tables NOTE: color-code: yellow = lowly abundant features ~ blue = highly abundant features ~ grey = missing features
TIP: left-click to select cell(s)
NOTE: (pre-)filtered features are not selectable
lines TIP: left-click and drag to zoom-in
TIP: left-click on feature in legend to show/hide them
TIP: left-click on a line to (un)highlight it
bars TIP: combine two feature types to plot their shared abundance
NOTE: feature type {B}, if selected, is sorted by abundance
TIP: left-click and drag to zoom-in
TIP: left-click on feature in legend to show/hide them
NOTE: deselecting 'show (pre-)filtered out counts' disables sorting by junction aa length
TIP: 'drill down to feature type' [advanced] and click on a bar to see its fragmentation to that feature type
TIP: 'show differences to sample/group' [advanced] works nicely with bars
TIP: clicking on bars will send some feature types to 'forensics'
bubbles NOTE: feature type {B}, if selected, is sorted alphanumericallye
NOTE: cells with faint X mean that the feature (combo) is either missing from the data or is (pre-)filtered out
NOTE: each sample's bubble is always at the same relative place in each cell
TIP: combine two feature types to plot their shared abundance
TIP: left-click and drag to zoom-in
TIP: left-click on sample names in the legend to show/hide them
NOTE: deselecting samples in the legend doesn't affect working table
heatmaps TIP: left-click to select cells
TIP: left-click and drag to zoom-in
TIP: double-click to zoom-out
TIP: you can transpose (swap axes of) the feature-based heatmaps
TIP: you can control colouring ranges
TIP: you can control clustering thresholds
PCAs NOTE: red/orange-coloured axes indicate uninformative principal components, i.e. treat with caution
NOTE: features are coloured yellow-blue by (mean) abundance
TIP: left-click and drag to select dots
TIP: area of selection can be resized and moved
TIP: left-click out of the selection area to cancel it
NOTE: selected features/samples are listed under the plots
Nothing to show - use the 'file' panel to select and load existing results or the 'processing' panel to create them.
You can edit some of the fields by clicking on them - not all fields are editable.
You can resize columns by dragging their boundaries.
Text fields use search engine logic i.e. looking for fields containing all words (whole or partial). Use "|" or "||" to indicate OR, "-word" to exclude "word". E.g. "rat | bat -cat" will include "rat control" and "big bat" but not "cat catches rat" or "dog is happy".
Numeric fields use logical expressions and operators (<, >, <=, >=, !=, and, or, not) and even functions (abs(), log(), floor(), ceil()). Use "x" as a placeholder !, e.g. "x > 5 and x < 10" keeps values between 5 and 10, while "log(x) > 2" values with natural logarithm greater than 2.
Full nucleotide sequences can be retrieved and analysed here,
when relevant feature types are selected (e.g. clonotypes, junctions) and their features clicked in 'questions'
- in which case 'forensics' is highlighted.
There's also a special mode with (auto-)traced clones, if appl.
Clicking retrieved sequences selects them for download, network analysis, tests.
set reference sequence range
network quick-guide, tips, notes
Each circle (node) is a unique sequence with >=1 reads, each edge is >=1 sequence differences. There are also virtual (vrt) nodes with 0 reads.
Concept behind network: maximise distance between unrelated sequences, minimise distance between related ones.
Line width represents connection strength, i.e. wide line = strong sequence connection (short distance, strong relatedness), thin line = weak / fragile connection.
Line colour can represent several different things, sequence distance by default (blue = low, red = high).
Some nodes can be visually distant (with many edges to the root), but still closer than others visually close -> use 'color by distance'.
Grey circles and lines are beyond the current distance threshold, see 'sequence selection' drop-down menu. advanced
Network processing order: (pre-absorption during pipeline,) distance filter, junction class filter, absorption filter, normalization.
Sequences (both active and filtered) might change size when the filter slider is moved, because they are first filtered then absorbed, and absorption is done seperately on active and filtered sequences.
Setting distance to filter before creating network will not help you: creating network will (re)calculate threshold and even move the slider.
You should expect coloured/active circles after blue (=virtual) circles, but not grey/yellow. clones
In general, 'set as clone'->'new' does clone spliting, 'set as clone'->[clone id] does clone merging.
Each root is initially assigned to one clone and one color, but you can split it into more clones with 'set as clone'->'new'. In case of tracers, this will also affect 'questions', since a clone tag will be added to the tracer name, and abundances will also change.
If you set a selected sequence as a new clone, all sequences closer to your selected sequence than to the root will also be assigned to that clone. Tracers
set as clone'->'new' will not reassign clones assigned to other tracer sequences. Use 'set as clone'->[clone id] to reassign those.
Initially, you may see circles of different colours. These are sequences within the filtering distance (thus coloured) but also closer to some other root (e.g. tracer) and therefore assign to another clone by default.
Clones of other tracer sequences are listed in the table under a black line and are not divided into samples. Therefore they don't show relative values.
scale circles:
set:   max distance to reference ^    &    min circle size to show >
normalise by list(list(name = "i", attribs = list(class = "fa fa-help fas fa-question-circle", role = "presentation", `aria-label` = "help icon", verify_fa = FALSE, id = "tipify2984271"), children = list()), list(name = "script", attribs = list(), children = list("$(document).ready(function() {setTimeout(function() {shinyBS.addTooltip('tipify2984271', 'popover', {'template': '
Normalise by selected junction classes, i.e. recalculate within the selected reads.
', 'container': 'body', 'delay': {'show': 600, 'hide': 100}, 'dummy': '0', 'content': 'Normalise by selected junction classes, i.e. recalculate within the selected reads.', 'placement': 'bottom', 'trigger': 'hover', 'title': ''})}, 500)});")))
black-outline= reference ; red-outline= locked for comparison ; may overlap